In dealing with my quest to become more financially secure, I have to admit that there are times when you think that it is all about the amount of money in the bank account or how much debt hat you pay off.
For me recently, things have been going quite well at work and I think that it is a good idea to step back every once in a while and revisit your priorities. For me, I realized that my personal financial goals would suffer if my priorities were not taken care of first and foremost.
My priorities are probably more simplistic than most people. Food, shelter, and basic health top the list. Without those things everything else is just a bit pointless. After that I need companionship. Some people say they don't. But I know that I need more than others.
The point of this post is not to get touchy feely. Instead I want to recognize how important it is to maintain good relationships with family and friends. It is critical if it is a priority for you. Therefore do not be shortsighted by spending all of your time, energy and money on other persuits, even those generating income.
I found his out again in my life when I started to spend too much time on my work and business persuits to the detriment of my personal priorities. My own experience is that I do best when all is in balance. So, if you have the means, keep the balance from the start; it can be harder to recover once you become distracted from what's important.
Taking breaks is critical also. When you consider that the people around you have different priorities, it is easy to get frustrated and burnt out even if the people are behaving fairly and rationally. If people are not behaving his way, not keeping your priorities in order can be even more dangerous.
Situations within families, clubs, jobs can all be quite distracting without a good handle on priorities. And for me, this can be true even with the best of people. Some people call this process introspection. But whatever you call it, managing your priorities and spending your money, time, and energy appropriately is what will ultimately leave you feeling fulfilled with your life. It has for me lately. And that has helped me do better across all parts of my life.
For me recently, things have been going quite well at work and I think that it is a good idea to step back every once in a while and revisit your priorities. For me, I realized that my personal financial goals would suffer if my priorities were not taken care of first and foremost.
My priorities are probably more simplistic than most people. Food, shelter, and basic health top the list. Without those things everything else is just a bit pointless. After that I need companionship. Some people say they don't. But I know that I need more than others.
The point of this post is not to get touchy feely. Instead I want to recognize how important it is to maintain good relationships with family and friends. It is critical if it is a priority for you. Therefore do not be shortsighted by spending all of your time, energy and money on other persuits, even those generating income.
I found his out again in my life when I started to spend too much time on my work and business persuits to the detriment of my personal priorities. My own experience is that I do best when all is in balance. So, if you have the means, keep the balance from the start; it can be harder to recover once you become distracted from what's important.
Taking breaks is critical also. When you consider that the people around you have different priorities, it is easy to get frustrated and burnt out even if the people are behaving fairly and rationally. If people are not behaving his way, not keeping your priorities in order can be even more dangerous.
Situations within families, clubs, jobs can all be quite distracting without a good handle on priorities. And for me, this can be true even with the best of people. Some people call this process introspection. But whatever you call it, managing your priorities and spending your money, time, and energy appropriately is what will ultimately leave you feeling fulfilled with your life. It has for me lately. And that has helped me do better across all parts of my life.