Reflecting Back. Tax time always is a chance for me to look back after the business of the holidays is behind me. I had a few thoughts that I figured I would jot down as I wrap up the end of this year. In short, the amount of time seems somewhat compressed. I'm surprised that when we get to March, it will be a full year of the pandemic life. Living at home, working at home, with minimal options for socialization and the like. Mental Health seems to be taking a real hit for many people, perhaps unsurprisingly in the wake of the pandemic, all while thousands of people continue to be dying. All of that serves as a stark reminder of how lucky those of us are that are blogging about money and personal finance who have not been harshly touched by this event. Taxes are important, but having some gratitude and reflection on the good things that have happened this year can be a good aspect of the process too. Documents On Time All that said, the tax documents arrived early this...
small steps toward making myself a better, richer, and happier man.